Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Natural way for Overcoming Male Infertility

Overcome sterility in men, often requires a specialist service urologi or reproduction endokrinologi that after you test the sperm may recommend you take the medicine or fertilizer undergo therapy-therapy technology. However, there are some natural ways you can try to increase the opportunity to get a child.

Add Feed vitamin C . Lack of vitamin C can cause sperm clot, and this case reaches 16 percent among all men sterile. And several studies have shown that vitamin C supplements every day appeared to increase fertility among male smokers. "Vitamin C are antioxidants that make the cell membrane-membrane becomes stable and is useful for both men," said Larry Lipschultz, MD, lecturer urologi at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

You consume between 1000 to 1500 milligram vitamin C every day. Fruits such as citrus, mango, melon, strawberi and vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, and shoot the food is rich in vitamin C.

Minimum your stress. Although doctors have not yet know why that excessive stress can reduce sperm count, practice techniques such as biofeedback ease stress or progressive muscle relaxation can have the point, said Dr. Moskowitz.

Try your passion soar. Men are very inflame copulate while cement shed more sperm and produce more powerful, said Niels H. Lauersen, MD, Ph.D., one of the founders of New York Society of Reproductive Medicine in New York City and author of Getting Pregnant. Keep your flirtation or foreplay lasted at least 20 minutes, sarannya.

Set a schedule. Avoid intimate relationship for two to five days prior to pair you supposedly have akan ovulasi, said Dr. Lauersen. This will increase the sperm count, and percentage of healthy sperm you would be able pancarkan higher.

Do not exercise excessively. People who exercise can reduce the excessive sperm count them as the temperature increased in the testis during the events surrounding the labor rally, said Mary Jane De Souza, Ph.D., a specialist sports physiology at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington.

In the study there, the researchers found that the runner who practice more than 90 kilometers per week have a lower sperm count and sperm cells less mature than the men ran less than 50 kilometers per week.

However, aerobic exercise, such as the takarannya are running fast or swimming, three times a week, each for 20 minutes, will not affect the production of sperm, said Eli reshef, MD, a reproductive specialist endokrinologi at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City .

Wearing boxer shorts. While that may not be as effective as believed by some people, change in tight pants with pants or boxer shorts may be able to increase your sperm count, testis section you will be more cool. "Spirituality is based may be enough, but we did not find different sperm production in men, when a change in the fitting pants with boxer shorts," said Dr. Galen. However, if you want to try it, just please, no ruginya, he added.

Lower weight of several kilograms. If your excess body weight, decrease the weight of several kilograms may increase your fertility. "If your excess body weight and fat you can conceal testis, raising the temperature there and kill sperm in it," said Dr. Lipschultz.

Antibiotics that you take. Although antibiotics have a role in the sterility, there is some kind of influence in the quality of sperm with a lower sperm count and sperm movement agility, or ability to "swim" its. Classified this group is nitrofuran, for example, furazone, and macrolides, for example, either erythromycin. Request penicillin or quinolone, for example cinoxacin (Cinobac), instead.

Lower temperature sauna bathing. Sit in the bathroom in the sauna or hot water, or warm water bath at a temperature of more normal temperatures of the body for too long a period can lower sperm prodoksi, said Nolten Wolfram, MD, professor endokrinologi expert at the University of Wisconsin Madison Center for Health Stuies. Do not spend more than 15 minutes a day in the hot tub or sauna, and not try to be more than temperature 36.5 C.

Save your lubricant. Jelly or other lubricant may be a more intimate relationship smoothly, but this material can reduce the sperm agility, if not yet contain spermisida, said Dr. Nolten.

Stop smoking. If you smoke, your chance to become a father can fly with the smoke of cigarettes, said Dr. Galen. Smoking appears to have any relation with the slow and low sperm count, and in addition the research found that the miscarriage increased 64 percent when the second pair or even smoke, although only the men who smoke.

Limit alcohol. Excessive alcohol can reduce sperm count. "Drinking secukupnya course," said Dr. Galen. "My suggestion is, not more than a peck or two a day."

Avoid drugs. Use of drugs-marijuana and other drugs for long-term result in decreased sperm count and not the normal pattern of sperm, said Dr. Galen.

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