Signs and symptoms of early pregnancy: Things you may experience before beginning prenatal care
By Mayo Clinic staff
Are you pregnant? Real evidence can be seen in pregnancy tests. But you can expect – or hope – that you are pregnant, even before you menstruate late, if you experience one or more signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Here are the signs that can be seen in the first weeks after you become pregnant.
Breasts or nipples are sore, swollen
One of the physical changes experienced during pregnancy is a change in the breast. Your breasts will feel heavy, sore or painful when held. Or it can also feel more full and more severe. In the first two weeks after the pregnancy begins, your breasts begin to grow and change as
preparation for producing milk. The main cause of this change is the increased production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Changes in your breasts will be seen more clearly when you are pregnant for the first time.
Many women who feel drained during pregnancy, especially in the early days. This may be a natural way to persuade expectant mothers to take more time to sleep, in preparation for the nights where he could not sleep in the days to come. But There is also a physical reason for this fatigue.
In the first weeks of pregnancy, your body works very hard – pumping hormones and producing more blood to carry nutrients to your fetus. To accommodate this increased blood flow, your heart pumps harder and faster. In addition, the hormone progesterone which is a natural depressant of the central nervous system, so the amount of this hormone in the many causes you to feel sleepy. As tambahahan, the possibility of pregnancy can cause feelings of worry that can absorb your energy and cause sleepless nights.
Fleck of blood or abdominal pain
Some have spots or a little bleeding during early pregnancy, around 10 or 14 days after conception. Known as bleeding due to implantation, which occurs when cells that have been fertilized egg attach itself to the uterine wall. Such bleeding usually occurs earlier, fewer and lighter color than the usual blood came out at the time of menstruation, and the only briefly.
There is also experiencing abdominal pain or cramping early in pregnancy when the uterus begins to enlarge. The pain was just like pain during menstruation.
Nausea with or without vomiting
Morning sickness is the classic signs of early pregnancy. Most of nausea began to feel around the fourth to eighth week of pregnancy, but vomiting may begin on the first two weeks after the pregnancy.
Although nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is commonly known by the name of morning sickness – vomiting in the early days, but in fact can occur at any time. Apparently this occurs because the drastic increase in estrogen levels produced by the placenta and fetus. This hormone causes the emptying of the intestines move more slowly, which could be causing this problem. Pregnant women are also known to be more sensitive to smell, so various kinds of smells – like the smell of cooking, coffee, perfume or the smell of cigarette ASAP – can trigger nausea.
Do not like or want to eat a certain food
Turn your nose from a particular food is usually the first signs that you are pregnant. Even the smell of certain foods can cause nausea in early pregnancy. One study says that pregnant women usually do not like the smell of coffee in the early weeks of pregnancy. Meat, dairy products containing sharp and spicy food is the object that usually most unpopular at the time of pregnancy.
One specific food cravings are also common. Like other symptoms of pregnancy, the desire to eat certain foods can be caused by hormonal changes. Pregnant women usually experience changes in appetite, especially in the first half, as a result of hormonal changes is still very strong.
Frequent urination
Many pregnant women who feel that they become more frequent trips to the toilet than usual. In the first trimester of pregnancy, this is because the enlarged uterus pressing toward your bladder.
If you are pregnant, you may interfere with your frequent mild headaches. In early pregnancy, headaches may be caused by increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes.
Constipation or difficult bowel movements is one early indicator of pregnancy. Increasing the amount of progesterone hormone cause slow digestion, so food can enter more slowly into the digestive tract, which can lead to constipation.
Mood changes
You are not the kind of woman who is sensitive – so why could cry to see Hallmark commercials? The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can cause you tremendous emotional and weepy. Changes in mood, from happy to sad, too common, especially in the first trimester.
Feeling dizzy and floating
Feeling dizzy and floating common in pregnant women. This sensation is usually the result of changes in the circulation when blood vessels in your body dilate and your blood pressure decreases. In early pregnancy, dizziness can also be caused by low blood sugar.
Basal body temperature increases
Your BBT is the temperature taken orally when you first wake up in the morning. This temperature will be slightly increased after ovulation and stay at that level until you get the next menstruation. If you frequently record your BBT to determine when you ovulate, you will see that the increase during the two weeks leibh means you are experiencing pregnancy. In fact, basal body temperature will remain high during your pregnancy.
Are you really pregnant?
Unfortunately the signs and symptoms early on not only dedicated to indicate a pregnancy. There are some that indicate that you are sick or your menstrual period will soon begin. And, conversely, you could be pregnant without experiencing symptoms as above.
However, it would be nice if you see one of the signs are there on the list above, immediately do a home pregnancy test, especially if you do not record your menstrual cycle or if your cycles are always shifting away from one month to the next. Also do not forget to keep yourself well. Who knows you really are bodied two.
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