Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lindsay Lohan Requested Stop Lesbian

The love Lindsay Lohan's father, Michael against each type of relationship with her son DJ Samantha Ronson increasingly clear. Michael even told Lindsay urges fans to leave their children Samantha.

Lindsay_Lohan_LesbianMichael Lohan in a blog written views on the relationship of love Lindsay and Samantha. According to Samantha utilize only want their children and property from the stars' Freaky Friday 'is.

In addition, Michael also felt that too dominant and samantha manipulatif. According to Michael, Samantha told Lindsay to the menelantarkan adiknya Ali.

"I ask the fan to help the good girl (Lindsay). Since the Samantha come to life, there is never a good thing that came to life," said Michael wrote in the blog as personal ecpassistant quotation from The Sun, Friday (30 / 1 / 2009).

News rupture relations Lindsay-Samantha Michael was making a little relieved. But now to know when the news is not true, Michael is concerned again.

"I was relieved and thanked the Lord heard the news on their separation. But now Samantha has returned, and everything becomes bad," Michael tukis again.

Up to now there is no response from the Lindsay and Samantha.

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